The Mary Louise Zeno Carter Scholarship Fund will offer need-based scholarships to qualified St. Sabina Academy students. The Fund was established in 2018 and has an endowment goal of $25,000. With your support, the endowed fund will provide scholarships to St. Sabina Academy students in perpetuity. Please give today!
Mary Louise Zeno Carter
Mary Louise Zeno Carter (1913-2006) was a dutiful wife and mother, an intelligent, civic-minded and hard-working woman, a meticulous homemaker, a generous caregiver and a dedicated social worker for the Illinois Department of Public Aid. She enjoyed cooking, gardening, and spending time with her family and friends. She was an active member of St. Sabina Church, served as Treasurer of her neighborhood block club and was a former Den Mother for the Boy Scouts of America. With her husband Carneil Carter Sr., an insurance salesman, she raised a son, Carneil Carter Jr., a master electrician, and a daughter, Arlene Lavern Carter Walker, a school teacher.
When Arlene passed away, Mr. and Mrs. Carter became guardians for their daughter's four young children, despite already bearing the burden of caring for two sick family members. Within eight years of her daughter's death, Mrs. Carter lost a brother, a brother-in-law, her mother and her husband. With the help of friends, family members and the Faith Community of St. Sabina, she was able to continue the upbringing of her daughter's children. St. Sabina provided need-based scholarships to the four children and all four graduated from St. Sabina. The scholarship fund is a tribute to a woman whose faith in God, strong will and determination allowed her to persevere despite hardships, and care for others.
St. Sabina Academy
St. Sabina Academy is the educational outreach ministry of St. Sabina Church. The school shares in the mission of the church and strives to train up Christian children utilizing God's word, the Bible, and the principles found therein. The mission scripture is Proverbs 22:6 - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it." St. Sabina Academy is an elementary school serving students from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. The faculty and administration believe that God has a purpose for every child's life. By incorporating the gospel of Jesus Christ and African values, the faculty is committed to teaching and guiding children as they discover their place in the body of Christ. Through UJIMA collective work and responsibility, the faculty and administration strive to provide a safe, secure, and nurturing environment in which children can achieve academic excellence ."